Your baby’s weight

What’s your baby’s weight po? My 1 year and 4 months old baby is 8.5 kgs only. I feel so stressed na po kung ano dapat kong gawin in order for her to gain weight. She’s physically active naman po. She runs and plays a lot. I think she’s also teething cause she doesn’t want to eat and she seldom drinks milk in which I think it’s hurting her cause she just gnaws the nipple and she’s always putting her hands on her mouth. What to do in order for her to gain weight? #gainweight #help #firsttimemom #ftm #toddler #baby

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you may give her cold teether. just follow the frequency of feeding according to your feeding table. example: 4oz every 4hrs. if she can only drink 2oz, give another 2oz after 2hrs. give her soft food, so she will not chew much. i think shes ok because shes active and not sick. you may also base her growth from her height, not just the weight. continue her daily vitamins.

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