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What To Do When Your Son Refuses To Eat Rice? #3yearold

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I've experienced it.. Very challenging and frustrated. Frustrated with myself cause I didn't expose to my daughter at her young age. She just ate porridge kind off like puree till she is 2 years old 4 months. She ate mihun n some sort of pasta but when it come to rice, is a NO NO for her. N at one point she able to eat rice. But plain rice. Hahahaha. No chicken no vegetables NO anything. Haiyoooo... Now she is 2 years 5 months. Still waiting for her to eat fried chicken 🍗 n any vege. Just have to be patience. If she ready, for sure she will eat. Now she is not ready, so I'm just following her time. I'm sending her to preschool as well, she will learn from her friend there too.. Its okay mommy. There will be time ur son is ready for rice. Don't rush enjoy his pace. In meantime u can give him whatever carbo he likes.

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1y trước

Thank you for sharing your story, I admire your courage and honesty. It is truly inspiring :)

I also experienced the same thing. I understand how frustrating it feels. What did I do is I just change rice to other things that give similar nutrients such as oat, pasta, mashed potato, or bread. Mum, you can also try variety of recipes for your kids. And sometimes, I do did some "cheat" whereas I add some rice in her mash potato bowl and he just eat like nothing bother him. My son is also 3 years old. But still I tried giving him rice with ketchup sauce sometimes (of course with fried fish or chicken) to test try and error and gladly now he eat it! 😃

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Boleh try bagi pasta sis. Anak saya dulu masa 2 tahun pun dia dah mula taknak nasi. So saya masakkan pasta. Pelbagaikan masakan tu. Buat goreng ke, carbonara, mac & cheese, bolognese. Pasta pun saya tak guna 1 jenis je. Takut dia muak. Saya guna macaroni, spiral, spaghetti, fettuccine, prego buddies untuk kids tu pun anak suka. Paling anak suka macaroni goreng & carbonara. Sampai sekarang dia masih suka. Sis try la 😉

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1y trước

Thankyou awak sharing tips! InsyaAllah boleh cuba :)

sama je macam anak I. kurang makan nasi. maybe u boleh pelbagaikan. jangan nasi kosong. dan kuncinya adalah bersabar. hahaha jangan dipaksa masuk mulut. tak makan nasi takpe boleh makan carbo lain. jangan taknak makan langsung, haaa tu masalah besar ibu. jem kepala.

it's okay if your kid doesn't want to eat rice. it's a phase and overtime they will slowly accept rice. sometime us Asian parents worried so much as to why our kids don't want rice bcos we too eat rice daily as a routine. we can opt to other option.

sis cuba you try beli sabun cacing dkt tiktokshop , anak i sebelum ni sgt susah makan nasi , Alhamdullilah lepas pakai tu , dia berselera 🤲🏻 3 tahun jugak umur dia

How old is your son?

1y trước

Most welcome, dear. I have 17 months old daughter, she really loves to eat. All sorts of veges, fruits, she will eat it without any contemplating. But when it comes to rice 😑 yeah it's just not her preference. What I do is just to ensure she get a complete meal. Be strong mommy💪