5 Replies

I don't think it's an immigration thing, more of an airline (LGA concern). According to this link from the Changi Airport website, if your baby is travelling with you, you may bring your expressed breast milk onboard the aircraft. However, if your baby is not travelling with you, it is strongly advised that you store the expressed breast milk into containers not exceeding 100ml. http://www.changiairport.com/en/passenger-guide/special-assistance.html

Hi, for young children below 5, the officers are very lenient. They will allow hand carry liquid be it hot water, milk or breastmilk. However, it does not apply to other types of liquid such as shampoo, honey etc. My honey was thrown away as they said it is not related to baby food. so be careful and mindful about it.

Hi, just travelled back from Germany. Really depends on the security checks of each countries. So far when I travelled from SIN to BER (stop over at Doha), they were ok when I said it was breastmilk. However do inform when you checked in.

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As far as I'm aware, there is no restrictions but do check with the airlines. Rules always change. So long as u hv baby with u, they aren't dat strict.

Then think only 100ml

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