What is your ideal number of children?

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The eldest is a boy, so naturally i wanted a girl for the 2nd. Got my wish,then came #3, girl too. Born in not so gentle birth at hosp, so i said i want another one because i want a natural, gentle birth sooo bad. Finally my boy arrived just the way i wished for. And i told my hubby, 2 pairs are enough. But you know what? Gentle birth kind of encouraging me to get pregnant again, because it is the most wonderful experience! Maybe i can go for two more,hahaha...

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Initially, I wanted 2 kids but now that I have 2 kids, I want another one. I don't know if it's crazy maternal instincts that I am harbouring but after the birth of my son, I really really want another child. Perhaps because I only have 1 sister, I'd occassionally envy those with bigger families. Bigger families always seem so loving and loud, plus family gatherings would be awesome with big families.

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I'd prefer two but my partner is hell-bent on 3 or more. It really depends on where we raise our family - if it's in Singapore, then 2 because of the high standard of living but if it's in Sweden, where there's a year's maternity leave (+ 6 months paternity leave), free education till university and pretty much other benefits, I wouldn't mind having more.

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the more the merrier but provided we can afford to support them. I love big family especially with lots of kids so in future my children will have at least someone to accompany during their childhood moment. The best gift a parent can give is probably siblings . Now I have 1 son and we are planning to have another one soon

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Both me and my partner come from families with 3 kids so we are looking towards that number too. Not too sure about the gender ratio though. Both of us are the only girl/boy in our respective families. Personally two boys and one girl will be ideal for me. Two boys to protect the girl :)

before i got married i want to have 4 kids. 2 boys and 2 girls.. but having experieced being taken for granted and unprioritized during and after my pregnancy, especially at times of pain and needed support from my irresponsible husband, i am okay with one. one is enough.

Practicality wise, I would love to have two children--a boy and a girl. However, deep inside, I would like to have as many as I can raise. I love imagining having and raising happy and beautiful little nuggets. Just the thought of it makes me smile. :)

My ideal is 4 and I'm there now. I have 2 elder boys and 2 younger girls. I realised that in my family, 4 with 2 boy and 2 girls is the minimum you need to be able to use all the 4 mandarin sibling titles ger ger, ti, ti, jie jie, mei mei!

Ideally as many as we can afford haha... As of now, we have a gal n a boy. My husband wants 3 but looking at childcare arrangement, I shiver at the thought of having another one... Though I know, once my 2 grow up, I might regret.

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