Constipation In Toddler
What to do if toddler keep having constipation?

Hi mama, How's your kid's diet like? Water intake? Have you tried the new Friso Gold Milk powder? You can ask for a sample for your child to try it out! If not here is the link to redeem your free sample: Also You may refer to the Bristol stool chart guide shared by Friso to better understand between good n bad poop: Remember to hydrate with sufficient amount of water intake too!
Read moreHow about giving more fruits & vegetables? You can check the stools info out at it helps me to determine when my child is having constipation :)
Try giving your lo raisin water. Soak raisins in warm water and leave it overnight. Then in the morning smash the raisins and drain the water and give your lo. Will relief constipation.
Increase fibre, fruits and veg in your toddler's diet. Switch to wholegrain bread, and ensure that your toddler drinks enough water through the day
Thank you mummy. Will try out.
More fruits and water please. Try to do bicycle movements and help to massage their buttocks..,,
I massage their stomach and also help them with bicycle leg to help on their bowel
Try to give your little one some honey water or prune juice
Probiotic and tummy massages
Biogaia or pitted prunes
Domestic diva of 2 moppets