What can I do to get my little one to latch on again? I was away for a week and after my return, he's not interested to latch anymore. I'm very worried the breastfeeding journey will just end this way.

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Keep trying and dont give up. Have you tried stopping the bottles. Babies when hungry they will give in. My boy was the opposite he refuses the bottle since day 1. However, when he was admitted the nurses fed him and he took to the bottle. The same day i brought him home for his next feed he refused again. Side note, i used the exact same bottle the nurses used.

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don't worry momma, i would say keep trying and be at it. don't force it on your baby but do it when your baby is relaxed and just a little sleepy maybe. hold him in your arms and try. but let your baby choose. my younger one stopped at 10 months herself while the elder one had to be stopped at more than 2 years.

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How old is ur baby? Sometimes dream feeding works for babies. Sometimes give some milk first so hay baby is not too hungry and will be more willing to suckle for milk(which takes a bit more effort n time to come) Worst case then have to pump yo continue ur bf

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