Dad’s don’t say this!
What are the things that a dad to be should not say in a delivery room?

Good thing he can't come inside and watch me suffer. Haha. But I guess he'll be telling these things to me and I would really hate him in an instant: 1. Are you okay? (With a sad face) 2. How long will it take? 3. Geez what was that? What's that smell? Apparently, hubby's not good in comforting me whenever I'm in pain. I know right.
Read moreWhen my husband said "Yes, just keep breathing deeply, that helps", I wanted to scream back at him: "How would you know what helps? You're not the one feeling wave after wave of pain!" Fortuntately/unfortunately the pain was so intense that I could only glare at him. If I had the strength to, I would've thrown something at him. Haha
Read moreMy husband play with his phone when i had contractions every damn minute! 😭 My husband also plays with his phone when the doctor was stitching me up. It hurts me so bad. But it taught me to be independent. 😔 I started to accept my husband like that. And just be strong by being independent
Read moreDads role is to be suppprtive positive and being there. Firstly should not question doctor or interfere in anyway.. secondly never say anything negative discouraging or anything that will increase the anxiety and fear of the mother. Thirdly do not shate your own anxieties a loud.
I remember he told me he was tired and went home to take a nap. I said allright.. make sure you pick your handphone when I call you. MANA TAU..he tertidur until so lena... handphone ring also cannot hear. At that moment, I really want to throw the handphone on his face. LOL
(1) I need to check my Clash of Clans account (2) I am hungry, are you hungry? Can you eat? (3) Do you think we can ask the doctor to stitch you up tighter after this? (crude but my friend's husband joked about this and he got into sooo much trouble haha)
Never tell her that you're tired waking up 24/7 coz she's struggling and one foot is in grave while giving birth. It's not easy to give birth. Never say anything when you got irritated at some point. Cheer her up. And congrats for being a father!!💕
My ex-husband told me he was sleepy and I remember I got so irritated. Like hello, here I am being strapped, probed down there, poked with a needle (epidural) and numb in my legs while I lay there uncomfortably, and you are telling me you're sleepy?
Maybe you should focus on what should a dad say/do instead. Be very positive, helpful and sensitive. It's not easy for the Wife to go through birthing and she would need a lot of encouragement and support from the love one!
oh boy! 😆 my husband was watching 2 seperate monitors for me & baby while in labor & he would say oh boy when something changes. it scared me everytime so i told him " stop oh boy oh boying" & he aplogized.
Excited to become a mum