What allowance should I be giving my primary 1 son for school? Daily or weekly?

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For primary school kids, I'd recommend daily pocket money. The fixed amount will be enough for his meals at school and if he has extra leftover, he can save those. I only got weekly allowance when I was in secondary school -- which was perfect because by then, I know how to plan my expenses.

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Daily, so it's easy to keep track how much he save, how much he spend. Incase he spend everything on Mon-Wed, than he will be suffering from Thur to Fri without food. It's a good way to know their spending habit too, is it they will spend finish or moderate and will save money.

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We give on a daily basis, it depends on how many meals she has from school that day, If she has 2 meals then would give $2 if it one meal $1 with the savings from the previous day would be enough to cover.

I would suggest daily and make sure he uses it to buy food every day. As he grows older, teach him how to manage his money and let him try getting it on a weekly basis.

I give my gal $2 daily as she buys her meals in school. Taught her about saving and not spending unnecessarily. She saves whatever remaining money she has everyday.