Miscarry or not?

Wednesday I had my transvi and they found out na may subchrionic hemorrhage ako kay ako nagbibleed ng brown but my sac is ok my dr prescribe me to take duphaston. Day after pagihi ko may naramdaman ako nag passed sa V ko and its a clot medyo malaki sya and kalma lang ako pero Im still trying to convince myself n hinde iyon yun. I asked my hubby to call my dr to tell about it and they just told me to take rest and take duphaston. And that clot passed through my vagina I putted in sa ziplock to have it check in my visit nung Sat. Then my OB told me na baka un n nga sa Im scheduled for transvi and cbc tom. Im still praying for miracle. And until now theres still discharge but dont feel any pain.

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same result din sa akin sa transv ko subchrionic hemmorage.. pinag bedrest ako ng OB for 2 week and dhupaston and isoxilan 3 times a daw plus once a day folic acid..and may iniisert ako sa vagina heragest.. nakaka worry din kasi alam natin may baby sa tiyan natin na malapit pa sa vagina

5y trước

yes sis may awa ang dios makakaraos din tayo.. in jesus name. Amen 🙏😊

same tau sis kaya daw ako nag spotting kasi meron din akong subchorionic hemorrhage na check via trans V pero ok nmn daw kasi 144/min heart beat ni baby pero meron din akong red discharge na mejo malaki. how's your check up? hope it will be fine soon 💕

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gnyan din po result ko jung 8weeks preggy ako bed rest ako ng 3months and no sex contact then evruly checkup ko nmn thanks God kc healthy nmn c baby

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Hoping everything will be ok. But you can read this also: https://sg.theasianparent.com/early-signs-of-miscarriage/amp

naku sna nga hndi pa xa.. pray lang sis.. and rest k ng mabuti ..

Praying for you and your baby's safety

praying for you and your baby sis