We are trying to conceive for the second time, we already have a boy who is 2 years old. This time we want a baby girl, what all things can we try to increase the chances of having a girl child?

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I've heard of eating acidic food (e.g., soda, vinegar, chocolate) in the days nearer to ovulation could help change the acid level of your vaginal. It is believed that male sperms are less likely to be able to survive in an acidic environment. Hence, increasing your chances of getting a baby girl. Some also thought that avoiding alkaline food (e.g., apples, almonds, cucumbers) may help. If you are keen to try, please bear in mind that it is not healthy for your body to be in an acidic state for prolonged periods. And I'm also not sure how true this is. In all, do keep in mind that a maintaining a healthy body is very important! All the best!

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