Early contractions

Hi, just wanted to share my experience. Came home at night and I was experiencing heaviness which i thought was normal since the baby is moving/active. Found some red spotting and immediately went to the hospital. Thankfully, my cervix was still closed. But they did note that i had contractions in close intervals, but they were not strong enough. Doc said contractions in 31 weeks are early but sometimes they're there. It gets stronger the closer to deliver. So right now im admitted to the osp and being monitored every few hours for the contractions. Also got pills and and meds to stop contractions and avoid early delivery. Praying and hoping that all is good and that the contractions stop or slow down enough that me and my baby can go home 🙏🙏 Its really depressing having no visitors in the hospital allowed. Im only allowed my phone and charger as personal belongings as well. At least there's that. Other than contractions, my baby is doing well. Movement and heartbeat are strong and good as per doctor's observations. So praying for the best. Wish me luck! ☺️🙏#firstbaby #1stimemom #pregnancy #momcommunity

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Praying for you and your baby, momsh. 🙏