Choosing the right primary school

So as the title of this post says ‘Choosing the right primary school’ My girl is 6 this year and she will be in primary 1 next year. I started looking at schools when she’s 5 (not sure if it’s early or late). Im staying in the north region and have my eyes laid on Ai Tong Primary School. I choose this primary school for my girl because it also focus on the arts of the child which my girl likes. So I feel that it will be a good fit for my girl. I’m staying near the school but not near enough to apply for the school. So…… I decided to move to stay nearer to the school. Really hope that my girl will be able to get into the school. Leave me a comment, let me know how do you select the right primary school for your child and will you move house just to get your child in that school of your choice? #1stimemom #growingup #schooling #education

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Choosing the right primary school for your child is an important decision that can have a significant impact on their educational journey. Here are some key factors to consider when making this choice: Academic Environment: Look for a school that offers a strong academic program, emphasizing a well-rounded education with a balanced curriculum. Consider the school's approach to teaching and learning, their academic standards, and any specialized programs they offer. Teaching Staff: The quality and dedication of the teaching staff are crucial. Research the qualifications and experience of the teachers to ensure they have the expertise to provide a supportive and enriching learning environment. School Facilities: Visit the school and assess the facilities available. Look for well-equipped classrooms, libraries, science labs, sports facilities, and any other resources that contribute to a comprehensive educational experience.

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