3 Replies

That's quite a good sample bento Mom! :) I like the idea that you used your creative juices in preparing it. For sure your kids would love it! :) I just want to share this very good article tho:https://ph.theasianparent.com/life-hacks-for-parents-tips-and-tricks-for-your-kids-baon/ Apart from it gives us moms some samples on how to prepare your kids' baon - the life hacks are so helpful that it will help you save a lot of time. Plus you might also agree to my #7 and #10 faves on the list ;) Good luck mommy! :)

Thank you Mommy for the very nice article! I must agree on your #7 and #10

I think bento making will really be time consuming especially if you've just recently started doing it. I can only advice to prepare what you can prepare the night before. You can get a lot of tips from the bento-making experts. There's a Facebook group for "inbentor" mommies like you. You may check it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bentoPH/

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