Introducing formula.

Hi there mummies. First time mummy here. Would like to see advice on how to introduce formula to my baby? Currently am exclusively pumping out my bm and bottle feeding my baby. Just wanna prepare myself once my ML ends and she goes to Infantcare. ( might need formula incase my supply drops ) . How do i do mixed feeding of both formula and breastmilk? Any advices?

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Hi there! Congrats on being a first-time mom! It's great that you're already thinking ahead about how to introduce formula to your baby. When it comes to mixed feeding of formula and breastmilk, here are some tips: 1. Start Slowly: Introduce formula gradually by replacing one breastfeeding session with a bottle of formula each day. This will give your baby time to adjust to the new taste and ensure that your milk supply doesn't drop too quickly. 2. Choose the Right Formula: Consult with your pediatrician to find the right formula for your baby. There are different types of formula available, so it's essential to select one that suits your baby's needs. 3. Maintain Breastfeeding: To maintain your milk supply, continue to breastfeed or pump regularly even when you start introducing formula. This will help prevent a sudden drop in supply. 4. Stay Flexible: Be prepared for some trial and error as you find the right balance of breastmilk and formula for your baby. It may take some time for both you and your baby to adjust to the new routine. 5. Seek Support: Don't hesitate to reach out to other moms who have experience with mixed feeding or seek advice from lactation consultants or support groups. They can provide valuable tips and support. Remember, every baby is different, so it's essential to be patient and flexible as you navigate this new stage. Good luck, and I'm sure you'll do great!

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I started off with mixing. 8:2 (BM 8: FM 2) then gradually increase 5:5 then full formula when I stopped pumping 😊.

9mo trước

My baby drinks cold milk since 1mo till now (bm, fm) so it’s easier for me to prep her milk even when I mix feed (prep beforehand and put in fridge). No issues for mine.