3 Replies

Generally, postpartum depression in men are associated with classic signs of depression but of late, researchers have recognised that there are symptoms of depression that seem to be unique to men which include: - Increased anger and conflict with others - Increased use of alcohol or other drugs - Frustration or irritability - Violent behavior - Losing weight without trying Isolation from family and friends - Being easily stressed - Impulsiveness and taking risks, like reckless driving and extramarital sex - Feeling discouraged - Increases in complaints about physical problems - Ongoing physical symptoms, like headaches, digestion problems or pain - Problems with concentration and motivation - Loss of interest in work, hobbies and sex - Working constantly - Frustration or irritability - Fatigue - Experiencing conflict between how you think you should be as a man and how you actually are - Thoughts of suicide http://www.postpartummen.com/depression.htm

Men can be affected by the birth of a baby, too. The common symptoms are: - Physical pain. Sometimes depression in men shows up as physical symptoms -- such as backache, frequent headaches, sleep problems, sexual dysfunction, or digestive disorders -- that don’t respond to normal treatment. - Anger. This could range from irritability, sensitivity to criticism, or a loss of your sense of humour to road rage, a short temper, or even violence. Some men become abusive or controlling. - Reckless behavior. A man suffering from depression may exhibit escapist or risky behavior such as pursuing dangerous sports, driving recklessly, or engaging in unsafe sex. You might drink too much, abuse drugs, or gamble compulsively.

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