Night feeding cut off

Hi there. My baby is 5 months old and drinking 90mls Q3 hourly feeding. I was thinking of how to cut the night feeds. Any advice?

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other than increasing milk in the day, it also depends on whether baby is ready to stomach more or not. my boy only weaned off night feeds at 13mths and we did that the tough way. let him fuss and by 3rd night, he understood there is no more milk at night and slept through. my girl is currently 4.5mths and drinking 140ml each 3 hr feed during the day (fyi, she is big sized and as guage, wearing 1yr old rompers). at night, we leave it up to her to wake us for milk. i only plan to try weaning her off night feeds after she starts solids.

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Your baby didnt ask for more after she finish 90ml? My baby is going to be 5 months soon and drink 150ml per 3 hours. At night she didnt ask for milk, she only fuss a bit then go back to sleep on her own

1y trước

My baby didn't ask for more milk. So I guess every baby different?

increase the intake or shorten the time. personally I feel that 90mls is quite low, my LO is 120mls every 3 hourly