Missing Morning Sickness
Takk rasa morning sickness langsung dah 7 weeks pregnant kalau nk ikutkan genetic my mum morning sickness sampai 7 months in are pregnancy . My question is.. Is that normal mummies

nothing to worried about. im 8 months pregnant n never experience even once.. my mom always in her worst condition everytime she's got pregnant. but it is vice bersa on me. im being so energetic till today. alhamdulillah for that. so, i guess we r the lucky mommy to be. hehe.. pregnancy symptoms has nothing to do with gens too.
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normal jaa. . sy da masuk 8bulan tk de MS pon dri awal prgnancy. . 😊. . goodluck utk bln yg sterusnya. . mcm mcm lagi yg akn rsa nnti. . mcm mcm perubahan mndadak brlaku 😊
hi.. same like me... esok masok 7week... tapi skrg always rasa sakit bahagian perot n pinggang.. adakah sbb pembentukan baby... i scan 6week.. baru nmpak kantung je..
hi there! i also 7 weeks now, just having mild nausea but no vomitting yet, also dizziness and lethargic, often feeling heartburn, also i crave for foods
yes. i guess u are the lucky ones. but dont get too excited. i was once in ur shoes and then morning sickness hit me hard on the 9th week.😂
wow.. so lucky.. saya 5 weeks dah rasa.. now 8 weeks and if i am eating past 8pm.. sure esok pagi muntah teruk..
Me MS Started during 8weeks,, now 12weeks still MS but mild.. Chill
normal ka tu aah? bcause sy tak de morning sickness kndungan 7week
normal 😊
Tak semua org sama sis lain badan lain cara pembawaan
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