To V or not to V? 💉

Syempre for me, to V! As a frontliner, I am happy to avail the vaccine and actually completed my 2nd dose last month (swipe left for the actual photo) 🌼☺️ Giving me security and extra protection against the virus. Like most of you, naging hesitant din ako bago ako magpa bakuna, i had questions and hesitations about which brand of vaccine is the most effective? Which has less side effects? And is it safe for breastfeeding moms? So together, let us know the answers from the experts! This May 31, 2021, Tuesday 6pm, will be another informative discussion of Bakuna Real Talks— To V or Not to V: Understanding the COVID-19 Vaccine. Hosted by TAP momfluencer @scenesfromnadine with special guests Dr. Beverly Ho and Dr. Samuele “Tato” Quizon from the DOH who will discuss the right information and debunk myths about covid-19 vaccines.

To V or not to V? 💉
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