worried mum

So my son have like pimples on his face since he is few days old. Im not sure if its normal or not. Now he is 2weeks old and its getting more. If he is in aircond room his skin seem to be fine but when we use fan his skin come out this pimple like thing on his face. I already tried to put baby oil during his massage but it seems not to be working. I do not pop it or disturb it. What should i do? Baby is on breastmilk only and using drypers head to toe wash and johnson's baby oil. He showers once a day since 4days old. He also have mild jaundice.

worried mum
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Anak saya pakai bedak dan lotion allano from amway. Take 2-3 days to recovery🌝

Sama... Anak saya pon... Hari ni dah masuk hari ke 15, tetap ada jerawat kecil

Biarkan je, ank sy pun mcm ne tp nurse sy ckp dia akn hilang dgn sndiri.

baby sy pun sma mcm ni...bnyk kt muka dan badan..lepas 2 minggu bru hilang...

Thành viên VIP

letak bedak sejuk hilang tu... already put at my baby in one night all gone...

2y trước

Bedak sejuk yg mana satu eh awak

Thành viên VIP

just be sure not to scratch it or press it. it’ll heal on its own.

mu daughter also have same situation. i just put baby lotion

my son Oso have.. nurse advise me to buy CREAM CALAMINE.

No worries mommy. Theyll come and go in few days.

akan hilang sendiri. like my daughter..xpelu letak apa2 pun..

2y trước

Brp lama ye hilang awakkk