
Hi! Sometimes we spent 30 to 40 min trying to get a burp outta my LO, but ended up giving up and put him back to sleep. If you can't get a burp out, how long do you try?

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pat back & maybe front for about 5mins, if no burp i’ll keep baby upright for about 15-20mins on my lap or against chest then put baby down or maybe try again if baby has swallowed lots of air

Starting i keep patting style. Thereafter i was taught to use holding their neck slowly turn round and round and it works for my baby. She burps in less then 5 mins

4y trước

Turn round as in rotate clockwise?

Thành viên VIP

We only tried for 15-20 mins .. sometimes we get a burp sometimes not.. if the baby didnt burp its okay ah

Thành viên VIP

5 to 15 mins depending on my tiredness level. Then I put him to sleep on my chest

Super Mom

5 min. No burp and baby sleeping? I’ll just put baby to bed:)

Influencer của TAP

I try for 10 min if baby is asleep i will just put baby sleepm

Super Mom

How old is your baby? Count to 300?

Influencer của TAP

About 10min

Thành viên VIP

15 min max

Max 5mins.