Diabetes : TTC & Pregnancy info

Something Good Info which I Read From A Group. Hello anonymous ? First of all congratulations for the initiation of your change in lifestyle! Few things to tweak here...first of all your understanding on the condition - yes, diabetes is not a DISEASE, instead it is a CONDITION (which means with proper lifestyle control, you can be medication free ?) 1. Metformin DOES NOT cause low sugar / hypoglycaemia. Why? In laymen term, what you have is Type II Diabetes meaning your body produces insulin but the issue is your cells has lost its capacity to recognise your own insulin - in medical we call this insulin resistance. So what Metformin does? It helps to increase your cells sensitivity, in other words - it helps your cells to recognise your own insulin and use them. Hence one can never get low sugar with MFM. Optimal dose for Metformin is 2 tablets twice daily. And with your fasting reading of 10.1, I am keen to know what is your HbA1C level - that is the best predictor of your diabetic status and that level helps to decide if your treatment will be monotherapy (single drug), combination drug or insulin therapy. Ok then comes next mythological question - will my kidneys get spoiled if I take so many medications? The answer is a NO! Prolonged exposure to constant high sugar is the one that kills one's kidney. Remember, Sugar = Toxin to our body. Some ppl might take meds but it is not sufficient to control their sugar level, hence in long time they end up with kidney failure...and our society happily says this happened because of the chronic drug intake. Also the drug will need time to control your blood sugar...you must have had high sugar from few months to at least a year, and expecting the chronically elevated sugar to normalize within 1 week of therapy is...I don't know what to say. 2. Hot drinks or cold drinks does not impact your blood sugar level. 3. No sugary food or drink is good, changing from white to brown rice is equally good. But, do you know that most of the food items that causes sugar spikes are those that doesn't taste sweet? - Carbohydrate - main culprit to increase sugar. Simple rule, do reduce consumption of food that is white in colour, eg : meehoon, white bread, idli, thosai and etc. Try the suku2x separuh eating method - that's quite good. - Fruits - how do you differentiate which fruit has high sugar and which has less sugar? Simple tip : a. Look at the fruit, if you need teeth to munch and eat the fruit - eg, apple, guava and etc then the fruit has less sugar content. b. Look at the fruit, if you don't need teeth to eat that fruit - eg, grapes, durian, ripe papaya, mango and etc then the fruit has higher sugar content. - SAY NO TO 3 IN 1 DRINKS / CONDENSED MILK - despite it says zero sugar and la la la...it still has high GI. 4. SAY NO TO SUPPLEMENTS / HERBAL THERAPY / JUS TAMBAHKAN TENAGA / ALKALINE WATER AND ETC! I have personally encountered many cases whereby patients end up with liver / kidney failure with all this miscellaneous therapy. My advice, please get a visit to your nearest endocrinologist and get proper advice and management. You are a young diabetic - this warrants and endocrinologist review / assessment. You will need multiple expertise care - endocrine specialist, dietician, diabetic educator and a pharmacist. Please don't adjust your meds by yourself dear. Do google about Diabetes - knowledge empowers you more than the many advices that our society is waiting to give you! All the best to you! ?

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Thank you for your info and sharing 🤗