Cannot feel Baby movement - 21 weeks

Hi! I am now in my 21 weeks. I’m having a baby girl but until now l, I still couldn’t feel her kicks in the tummy yet, doctor told me she still small, might need to wait till more weeks. Nurse told me cos of my thick fibroids outside uterus. My sis experienced movement when she was alrdy 21 weeks but having baby boy at that time. #firsttimemom Anyone had some experience as me?is it baby girl abit slower 😅

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You might sometimes feel a sudden flick on your tummy. That’s the kick. I’m also a first time mum, at first, wasn’t sure if what i was feeling was a kick. But at 22 weeks i felt it a bit stronger already.

8mo trước

That’s great to know mama! You’ll definitely feel it more often. You’ll also notice there’s a specific timing your baby is awake and get more kicks! ❤️

I have an anterior placenta which I discovered while doing scan and they wrote up a report. It actually blocks the baby’s kicks so can’t really feel much. Not sure if it’s the same for you!

I think for first pregnancy , mommies tend to feel the kick later such as 20+ weeks?but there are no hard and fast rule as long as your baby is growing well and steadily! ❤️

Dont worry mama. I was thinking about it too when i was at 21 weeks then suddenly when 23 weeks comes the baby never stop dancing in my tummy. This is my first pregnancy too!

Gender has nothing to do with kicks. Please do not listen to myths, no such thing and just pure nonsense. Listen to gynae and update gynae.

Me too, I’m at week 20 but couldn’t feel my baby girl move or kick yet!

first pregnancy?

8mo trước

Yes :)