1 Replies

Hi you can’t cure GBS once you have it. It’s common during pregnancy and you MUST be on antibiotics while in labour before your baby comes out otherwise it can pass on to baby and can cause serious complications to baby and can also be fatal. I was GBS positive for my firstborn and was administered antibiotics during labour. Not sure if it went away but I just got swabbed again for GBS and awaiting results. Update: I am GBS postive for my 2nd pregnancy. Gave birth at 37 weeks via emergency c-sect again cause baby was breech at the last min. 36 weeks he was head-down. Oh well. 🤷🏻‍♀️

hi can I check how is GBS different from BV? I was tested postive for BV today at week 13. I'm very hesitant to eat antibiotics as I'm not sure on the impact to baby.

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