What Should Drink 🤔
Hi All Good Evening🙏If can't drink coffee and tea means what should consume? Tqsm😊🙏. #I'm a Coffee and #TeaLover #pleasehelp

Hi sis, as long as you don't exceed 200mg of caffeine, then it should be fine. For example: per cup of coffee is 40mg - depending on the brand.
you can try fresh fruit juice , yogurt drink , milkshake or just milk.. 😄
hot milk boleh celup tp ada nmpk ibu2 minum decaffeinated coffee/tea.. ada di jual d pasaraya2 , sya x prnh try..
my doc advice limit 1 cup of coffee everyday. your baby should be ok then
tqsm for the replied sis. but i scared dear
I just stopped it or sometimes take a few sip 🤣
tqsm for your replied sis🙏scared too.. if few sip will be until few cups🤣
you may opt for decaffeinated one too
u r so much welcome ❤️
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