Baby bump

Should i be worry bcoz im now at 10 weeks and i cant see any baby bump other than my fats bump? ?

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dont worry its normal . mine only very obvious at 35th week 😅

No, baby bump doesn’t appear so fast. Mine around 16w.

10 weeks is wayyyyyy to early for a bump to pop out..

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Relax mummy I only get to see my bump around 20 weeks

Thành viên VIP

Mine only.came out after 20w. So dont worry.

My baby bump only appear around 14 weeks.

Thành viên VIP

my bump appears only when I'm @ 2nd tri haha

My bump only pop ard w20+ Don't worry 😊

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Yes only start to show in second trimester

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No need to worry yeah. It's still early.