7th month

should i be pangtang or not? Thursday i got dinner reservations and they want me to bring baby(3mths+) along but now is 7th month, my mom say she worry later "dirty" things follow baby or disturb her or even she cries at night etc. bc by right cannot let baby go home so late during 7th month de. how ah? wuld it be OK to bring her and wipe her clean before she sleeps?

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Thành viên VIP

For me, is it fine. But if your worry or uncomfortable, then better not.

Thành viên VIP

Hi... not advisable. Your baby is too young to go out.

Thành viên VIP

Wont take the risk esp is 7th month.

Super Mom

If you are pantang then better not.

Thành viên VIP

Don’t bring the baby along

I wont bring if I'm you.

Better don’t...

Better be safe...

Super Mom

B safe than sorry

It’s fine !