Buying Diapers first before delivery?

Should I be getting pampers before I pop? I am not sure of what size to get as well since my edd is 9 Jan. But there is 11.11 sales so quite tempted to get it first.

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Buy about 2 packet first as baby might not like the diaper.. Also if sales, can buy wet wipes too hahaha

Yes can, whenever there are sales and good deal I will get mine too even when baby haven't born. Lol

Thành viên VIP

Can let baby try different brands through samples. Otherwise stock up scared later not suitable too

Thành viên VIP

Just buy!! But nb size don't buy too many! Maybe 2 packs max, then can buy s size too..

I think you can buy M size in sufficient quantity but don’t buy NB size a lot

i bought nb sizes b4 i popped.. normally can fit until baby reaches 5kg..

Thành viên VIP

Hi... you can get 1/2 new born size and more of the size S diapers

Thành viên VIP

U can buy 1 pack of NB size and few packs of S size to standby.

Unless u wanna wait for the next sale which is 12.12 i believe.

I waited till the hosp provided me the diapers then I buy