September babies
Hi September mummies, how are you guys coping with your newborn ? How many hrs of sleep did you get (‘: and how are you mentally

Barely getting any sleep now that nanny has left. But my baby had bad colic issues since week 3, and now shes approx week 6, shes still v cranky. Hope this phase passed soon. Im also crying almost every day upon seeing how much discomfort my baby has 😭
honestly…..i no longer keep track on how much sleep i get now. been changing shifts with my husband and soon he’s gg back to work so i’m lowkey worried on how i’m gonna cope alone.
barely can open my eyes these days. baby is so cranky especially at night. not sure why... and will wake up crying every 1/2 hour or lesser. maybe stomach don't feel good.
barely any sleep, every 2-3hours only. but lucky got confinement nanny to help, can nap in the daytime. mentally need to maintain yourself, be strong for kiddo