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Ada minta advice doktor or doktor ada cakap apa2 tak? Saya masa first pregnancy, 28 weeks kepala baby dah kat bawah tapi belum engaged (as in masuk laluan). So gynae takde advice apa2. Gynae kata just continue with your life routine. So saya pun bekerja macam biasa sampai hari bersalin. Pergi berjalan sana sini macam biasa. Sampai lah checkup 36 weeks, baby transverse. Still gynae kata it's not something to worry (for my case) sebab baby boleh berpusing lagi. And yes Alhamdulillah 37 weeks saya bersalin. I would say, to get a real advice on your pregnancy please work closely with your doctor. Only then you will know what dos and donts to stay enjoy in your pregnancy 😊

If that so, awak kena follow advice your doctor la sebab doctor evaluate based on your pregnancy conditions.

normal sis. saya pun 28w, kepala baby kat bawah. dia masi boleh pusing2 tu sampai 36w sis, no worries ya, boleh je jalan jauh cuma kena ready bantal kat belakang sis, pastu kena stop byk kali rnr utk rehatkan badan tu je

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