Saya mengandung anak luar nikah hasil persetubuhan dengan bekas kekasih. Sekarang dah 6 bulan and my family do know about this. I'm planning to keep this baby and I won't be relying on my ex as I can see that he is not gonna be fully responsible. He continue to lives his life as if nothing happened while I'm here struggling with the pregnancy. He also got mad when I said I would inform my family about this pregnancy. I asked if he would ever tell his parents about this, he said he would tell them after the baby was born but I'm sure he wouldn't as he's afraid that they would "buang" him. So, should I tell his family? Because it is not fair for me and my family to go through these by ourselves while he's out there having "fun" with his new girlfriend. I don't want his money or love, I just want him to man up, be responsible and accept the fact that he's not a good son to his parents. Alasan "taknak bagitahu family sebab takut kena buang" is nonsense to me. I'm also afraid of my family not accepting me after they know the real me but I still let them know because I am responsible for my stupid action. It hurts me everyday knowing I have let my parents down. He should feel the same way too. PS: I know I'm a sinner, which is why I'm trying my best to be responsible for my wrong-doings. Doakan aku. #bantusharing