We salute our healthcare heroes! 🖖
We appreciate all of you who are working tirelessly in this fight against COVID-19.
Special mention to my Doc toffy @crazycarbonlanthanum and dhai @vanilalicious13.❤
Thank you so much for your dedication and sacrifices. You are truly a hero. ❤
Let's continue to show our support to our HCWs. I am inviting you all to watch "Protecting & Empowering Our HealthCare Workers" on October 14 @ 10am LIVE at @theasianparent_ph Facebook page. It'll be joined by Dr. Janette Garin and Dr. Rontgene Solante. ♡
Set your reminder and spread the word. See you there! ☺
#TeamBakuNanay #ProudtobeABakuNanay #AllAboutBakuna #HealthierPhilippines #VaccinesWorkForAll