20months toddler picky eater

Salam & Hi mommies.. nak mintak pendapat mcm mana nak naikkan selera makan my 20m old toddler. She refused to eat proper meal. Gigi dah banyak naik plus yg beberapa gigi yang on their way out. She only wants to eat cheese, yogurt, her baby rice/corn crackers and milk. Nasi putih pon kadang2 je dia nak. I’ve tried butter fried rice, porridge, eggs with cheese (last time this was her favorite), noodles, spaghetti, other pasta.. not working ?? I also tried giving her Appeton lysine..

20months toddler picky eater
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I experienced this before.now my daughter 11yo.still she's not eating like she should.i think picky eater is her personality.nothing i could do to make her love food n eating.she's skinny.actually i mmg dah give up.kalau lapar mkn.kalau xnk mkn kebulur..that's what i told her.since she was a baby i did everything i can to make her eat.bg vitamin mcm2 jenama dah.x bjaya pun..hehe.dulu dia selalu sakit gara2 x mkn.minum susu je..kena sabar byk2 momma.hopefully u bjaya buat baby u suka food.

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