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Kalau placenta previa type 3 and 4, doctor pakar OG akan suruh czer sebab placenta dah tutup fully laluan cervix and bila fully closed that's why heavy bleeding and ibu needs completely bedrest and akan kena tahan kat ward. And kalau x silap saya ibu akan get admitted in ward sampai hari nak czer, but just that hari czer x semestinya ikut due date you, could be earlier. Ibu boleh tanya doctor pakar and minta nasihat sebab doctor juga arif mengenai keadaan and health status ibu sekarang and lagipun doctor kena monitor baby's health status and heartbeats, kalau distress like I said kemungkinan awal czer. Jangan risau ya as long as ibu and baby sihat and semoga delivery you dipermudahkan ❤️🙏🏻🤲🏻

Should be fine as long as ibu bedrest, limitations of activity and dengan pantauan doctor nurses ibu and baby will be good❤️

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