5 Replies

Thanks all for the info. Actually I am a sahm but I really wan to go back to workforce as I am not suitable to be a sahm. I understand alot of mummies would love to stay at home but it is really not as satisfying as working to me n i feel useless staying at home. I tried very hard to be a sahm but my conclusion after 2 yrs with LO is that I am not cut out for it. But since I am not working yet, I was wondering if it is better to send LO to a heavily subsidised CC for a start to allow me to adapt to not being around her then proceed to find a job n then switched her to a private CC... the cost is a factor as the private CC that I have confidence in charges $1400 for half day n almost $2k for whole day. Any one feeling me?

Try doing work from home? So you can hVe the best of both worlds?

I personally never liked My first skool on the whole based on the stories i have been hearing. With that said, it doesnt really matter what school, i realized its more of the teachers and people who are working there. The school may have a good branding, but that does not necessarily mean the teachers are good. Maybe you can try to observe a little as well. Most importantly how you feel during your interaction with the people there.

I really like one pte cc. Will be visiting mfs soon but dunno what to expect. I also went to another pte cc n was shocked to see the teacher "threw" a box of food on a kid who was crying at the pt of visit. So yes, I think teachers matter more to me.

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Yes with govt cc the fees are way cheaper. But i never put my kid in a govt cc as i heard too much stories about them. While they are big scale, they tend to overlook on small issue (hygiene) whenever there is an hfmd outbreak,private cc (usually with smaller student ration) they would be able to control it better. For private CC, you can request for start up grant if your household incomes falls before 3.5k

I can't apply for any grant as household income is more than the amt you mentioned. Thanks anyway.

Promo terbesar expert care sudah dimulai, diskon hingga Rp.100.000 sedang berlangsung di shopee, ada juga voucher diskon 100% alias gratis bagi bunda yang beruntung. Buruan cek di https://shope.ee/9UfEMMqqTg (id-20918)

Pcf and my skool do not prepare kids well for Primary school. Private cc are not necessarily too expensive either but their curriculum are better tailored for the primary school program

Thanks for ur info. It is all right if the school for my LO teaches her to play for now... 😊

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