6 Các câu trả lời
hi mommy! My toddler uses Colgate soft bristles. Yung maliit lang. And Aquafresh for the toothpaste. so far, maganda naman teeth ni little boy ko. And also mag 3 na baby ko but I still use SansFluo tooth & gum wipes after he drinks milk before bedtime pag di makatoothbrush dahil antok na, pang iwas mantsa sa teeth. Baka lang you like to try din. hehe. But its still better to visit the dentist para macheck mabuti.. :)
my daughter's dental pedia recommends toothpaste that has flouride para Hindi sira2 Yung teeth... sa mga may sensitive s flavours.. nature to nurture ang brand, but for those tots that love fruity flavors always available s market ang hapee toothpaste...Colgate will do too
any soft bristled, small head toothbrush will do. for toothpaste, aquafresh milk teeth..if may stains, best to na mapacheck sa dentist
try mo mi tiny buds natural baby toothgel😍 ang ganda nyan sa teeth tapos safe pa kaya kahit maswallow okay lang🥰

Try sunsfluo po, they also have toothbrush
small soft bristle or rubber toothbrush
