4 Replies

Here's an article that my friend referred to for ideas on how to develop her son's EQ: http://www.ahaparenting.com/parenting-tools/emotional-intelligence/steps-to-encourage Some useful pointers there which she tries to incorporate into their lives. In particular, she found "playing it out" a good way to help her son express himself through play. Though she is not sure if she was doing it right, but it helps that her son seemed to be enjoying the role playing and seemed happier after those few times she tried.

For visual spatial intelligence, perhaps you can encourage your child to try the following mental workouts: Firstly, puzzles are always a great way to hone visual-spatial intelligence. Activities like Rubik’s Cube, Jigsaw puzzles and spatial puzzles that require your child to remember and manouver items mentally will do wonders for a young mind. Another way is to play chess.

Hi Kelly, here's an infographic we recently developed to help parents nurture emotional intelligence in their children. Hope its helpful for you! https://forlivingbetter.com/5-steps-to-nurture-emotional-intelligence-infographic/

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