Recently my output has been reducing , I don't know is because I latch lo before I come to work that's why reduce or due to other reason, I latch him in the morning ard 6 am or 6 am plu then when I reach work I will pump ard 10.30 am and my output is 50ml drop to 40ml now or sometime 30ml plu. The second time I pump would be 3pm which is 30ml or 20ml, I have to use two day pump to make a bottle of ard 120ml for my lo to drink ~ I am getting disheartening , I don't know why I can't be like the others to have so much supply when I took fenugreek and also mothers tea or fennel tea.

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mummy, don't be disheartened. There will be moments when our supply dip. there will be ups and downs in our supply. Remember, dont give yourself too much stress. Drink more warm water or soup before you pump. I had to give my LO some fm when my menses suddenly came and supply dropped. I gave him full bm only when my body regulated and i had more milk.

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8y trước

I always see other mummy pump volume is so much higher and my sis has encourage me to give up as she say that is really tiring and I don't have much supply when I pump out ~