Recently I have been terminated by my company. Mostly because I'm exclusive pumping mum and always back home on time. Company didn't tell me the main reason but I can guess. I feel very sad and insecure for unforeseen future. I can feel my hubby is stressful because he is the only bread winner. Soon I will be stay at home mum. My LO only 9month old and I think for my situation now hard to find a new job as well. As I still need to exclusively pumping for every 3-4 hours(my supply is low). Due to breastfeeding, I have scarified lots. I'm being emotional and almost depression. While I see my baby I think what I did is worth it but when I'm alone I feel sad. I can't do what I want to do now. I cant talk to my boss now to secure my job as my time and energy are limited. How should I think in order to make myself feel better?

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I find the best method to handle a situation like this is to first take care of yourself. Whether it is working out, or listening to music. Create a positive space for yourself first. Eat well (lots of green vegetables), sleep well and drink lots of water. Then remember that you're not alone - you have family and friends to confide in. Speak to your loved ones and share your feelings. Speaking about your problems may help you come up with solutions them as when you are to truly define a problem, are you able to develop a solution for it. Hope this helps!

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