14 Replies

VIP Member

I'd withdraw my child from this centre too! One of the very important things that I look out for is communication and interaction between all involved - the principal, the teachers, the non-teaching staff, the children and the parents. It seems like the principal isn't one that is very attentive to the children's needs and parent's concerns, and things like additional subsidy and the way my child is treated is of utmost importance - after all, we trust them to take care of our kids! While it is important for us as parents to make the effort to build good rapport with the school, it is also crucial for the school to do the same.

VIP Member

To me, having a good principal and caring caretakers is the most important thing. The admin lapse is also a red flag to me - if the main processes are not in order, what would the rest be like? Do be sure to have a good backup before you make the move to transfer.

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I will withdraw. The fact that the principal asked if I want to means the principal feels that the problem lies in me n not them so y would I still want to have my child in such a school where the values r wrong.

Thank you for your advice. Unfortunately it's not so easy. I will need to be able to secure a child care centre before I can withdraw. And it's all full in my area. Besides I have to give 30 days Notice for withdrawal. That means if I were to submit the withdrawal form before 31 August, the last day is 30 September.

I am sorry to hear about Such a unpleasant experience and unprofessional service provided by the school. I will recommend that you start looking for alternative school before more serious issue occurs.

VIP Member

I would withdraw my child 1) principal is not diligent enough on the things to do. "additional subsidies" is something cannot be overlook. 2) aunty beating ur child is a huge NONO already.

Thank you for your advice, Jorelle

I think this is really bad. If it's me I won't put my child in the school. The principal should be more sensitive to the issue especially about aunty hitting your child.

Thank you for support, Lfdez Fernandez. I did check with the Form Teacher and she said the child could be unable to express probably as she's learning to talk so it may not be what she had said.

I confirm withdraw w no hesitation n immediately. CC is a place kids spent most time in, can't tolerate such irresponsible attitude! Please withdraw soon.

I would prefer Sengkang, Buangkok, Punggol or Hougang.

since principal asked if you'd like to withdraw the child, it's a hint she doesn't treasure your business. why are you still with them?

VIP Member

Have you check out other CCs nearby? I think there is no harm in looking around and checking to see if you prefer another CC.

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