5 Replies

If you're dealing with depression during pregnancy, know that you're not alone and that help is available. Sometimes symptoms that look like depression could be indicative of another condition, like Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). BPD also comes with its own set of emotional instabilities and mood swings, much like depression. To get a clearer understanding, here's a good resource that outlines BPD symptoms at https://fherehab.com/pd/signs-of-bpd/. Either way, it's essential to talk to a healthcare provider about what you're experiencing. They can provide a proper diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to you. Pregnancy is challenging enough; there's no need to go through it feeling mentally or emotionally unwell.

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I'd say almost all but, how do each individual react to it positively and if there are sufficient support at home from the family will make a huge difference to the outcome of the "depression". Do look for help and talk it out to somebody, we are humans too!

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about 10 per cent of women

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