team january

Hello poh team mga january ??? Excited nrin poh b kau like me Patingin nman poh aq ng bby bump nio ???

team january
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34wks, ang laki daw ng tyan ko 😭😥

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Sumasakit na puson ko. Going 36weeks na

35weeks and 3days 🥰 January 12,2020 ❤️

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5y trước

Masakit nung isang araw sis pero saglit lang naman .

january 10 edd breech position pa din c baby

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5y trước

kelan edd mo sis

January ako magdeside ksi cs aq hehe

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Goodluck po have a safe delivery

Thành viên VIP

37 weeks on Monday 😬😬😬

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Thành viên VIP

36 weeks and 1 day ☺️☺️

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36 weeks, edd january 31st. :)

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Jan 17 Excited na kinakabahan.

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