Can i take the pregnancy test when my period had come already?

#pleasehelp I also don't know what to do right now. Everyday after work then sleep already but feel tired already. I had almost two weeks no go to work already due to tiredness plus had some illness also too..#1stimemom I'm a first time to be a mom..

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Un usual period came & also not that due to stress came late. But after all of this had happen right; My vaginal of white discharge came so suddenly & right now also same. Should i take pregnancy test the most?

Hmmm.. Mama, why do you need to take pregnancy test when already had your period? Was it because it came late? Could it be due to e stress so it came late?

Yes you may. You might be having some pregnancy-related bleeding so have that one checked. If negative, then probably got period already

3y trước

if i come period/stomach pain & abit head pain today; Should i take preg test today?

Hmm.. why would you take a PT when your period is here? Or do you mean late period?