2 Replies


Congratulations! I suggest you wait for your Lo to arrive. My milk supply only kick in day 5 and it’s not alot, not enough to feed actually. Only after a month of latching or so then the supply go up. Before that I’m collecting letdown on the other side and even that it not enough for a feed. But now my chest freezer is full, started collecting 2 months before i start work. Just keep latching 💪🏻 I’m using this btw https://qoo.tn/ByOv7S/Q111064791

Sorry I couldn't access the link you attached.. What is that may I ask?

VIP Member

If you are exclusive pumping, you need a fridge, maybe to save cost, can clear up a small compartment for space ?

Can't really clear a space in the current fridge as we stay with my husbands family.. And the mum always cook so there's alot of stuffs in there.

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