5 Replies

It’s normal! Poor posture and more sedentary lifestyle will contribute to this. cos due to the weight of baby sometimes we end up using other parts of our pelvic area to support. I had pelvic pain in my 2nd trimester, and also rly hurt when i get up from bed or whenever i walk. It went away after I started being more active - taking more walks and making it a habit (e.g. evening stroll) since all these build strength and muscle, and corrects posture and it cushions your pelvic bones more. Try doing more stretches too.

Yes. It is normal! Prenatal massage and good sitting posture helps. Try not to sit with your legs crossed or stand with pressure against 1 leg.

I had it since the second trimester. I endured till childbirth and it’s gone. My gynae didn’t advice me on this

Hi mummy, I’m also suffering with pelvic pain and when I saw doctor she said that it’s normal too. 😢

Same for me :(

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