3 Replies

Hey, I don't stay near there so no specific childcare to recommend. But I have sent my child to 4 different CC since infant. My experience tells me that the principal plays a very important role. See if you have a chat with the principal personally and understand from her how she runs her centre. I have been to one CC where the principal was practically non-existent and have no idea what goes on. Some will just give you textbook answers. Go with your gut feel.

Promo terbesar expert care sudah dimulai, diskon hingga Rp.100.000 sedang berlangsung di shopee, ada juga voucher diskon 100% alias gratis bagi bunda yang beruntung. Buruan cek di https://shope.ee/9UfEMMqqTg (id-36755)

Hello!! I’m looking for pre school for my girl too in Tampines.. I know GUG as a vacancy as they just called me but their price is on the higher side.

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