Infant care OR hire a helper?

Hello parents, In one month’s time, my wife will be ending her maternity and we are considering between sending our baby to infant care and hiring a helper. My parents are aggressively wanting us to hire a helper but my wife and myself are poised to using infant care instead. We have weighed the pros and cons between both options and felt that the latter is best for our baby’s development. Reason for not wanting a helper 1. Having another person at home will introduce a different set of problems 2. I can’t have my helper at home with my 3 months old son without supervision 3. Maid will usually take the easiest way to stop the baby from crying without long term consideration for the child’s well being 4. Baby might grow accustomed to helper’s indulgence and affect the bond between child and parents Cons of sending a child in infant care 1. Time and schedule will become rigid 2. Child can fall sick easily due to contagion I would like to hear more from any parents here whom were once in my position. What were your considerations, observations and ultimately what did you choose and why? Thanks once again.

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I hired a domestic helper 6 years ago when my son was born. partly cos my in-laws wanted to help care (play) with their grand child but don't want the hassle of the diaper changing etc etc. my brother, whose daughter is the same age as my son, sent their' s to infant care. admittedly, i do find my niece a lot more sociable and vocal in the first few years. now , thankfully my son seems to have caught up on both factors. having an extra person at home does takes some adjusting to. as the other parent commented, it also saves you time and some money too (which seems surprising but true). I see my brother sending my niece to weekend enrichment classes, practically taking up the whole Saturday so that they have time for housework, shopping and personal time. subsequently, groceries are all bought online to save time too. My son is 6 and my daughter is 3 now. both do have strong bonds with the helper. I do make it a point to spend quality time with them on the weekends. make sure they understand who their parents are. in the first 2 years, my kids sleep with the help. now I make my kids sleep together in a room w/o the helper. from time to time, I'll bunk in with them. And sometimes, i do allow them to sleep with their 'aunt' too. I see the bonds being useful too cos it means that the helper also develops that link to the children. both options have their pros and cons. you'll have to decide what works best for you.

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