How do you make energetic kids stay put while they're in Church?

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I tell my 3-year old boy that we're going to the house of Jesus every Sunday. He has a concept of who Jesus is and he knows that Jesus wants him to be a good boy. He knows that J has plenty of wounds and blood because he was beaten by the bad men, so I always remind him that if he becomes naughty, the bad men will hit Jesus again and He'll have plenty of wounds again. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing, but it's effective every time we're inside the church,

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The church where we attend has kids church (sort of something like sunday school setup). The kids are grouped according to their age so they won't disturb the ongoing adult service. They also have their own activities like storytelling and crafts about Jesus. Whenever we attend a service in a different church, I always bring art materials and books so that my daughter will have something to work on during the service.

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Don't give them sugary food an hour before they are set to go to church. It's also important to talk to them about what a church is and why everyone there is supposed to be solemn and quiet. If your child is not old enough to grasp such a concept, maybe they need to be in sunday school.

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I bring them to kids church where they get to be with kids their age and are given age appropriate activities that point to Jesus.

I taught my son the usual songs so he channels his energy by singing on the top of his lungs