hi all parent which sort of toys are useful for nursery going girl kid ? I don't want to buy it expensive ,even it's cheap I will but it should be useful to my kid ,rather than coloring books and crayons ,she has plenty of that pls suggest a good idea

Play dough! The benefits of play dough play are numerous and kids of all ages have much to gain from engaging with play dough activities. Benefits of Playdough Play: 1. Fine Motor Skill Development: great for strengthening muscle tone in little hands. 2. Calming and therapeutic: simply sitting and squashing and rolling a piece of playdough in your hand is a very calming and soothing activity. 3. Creativity and imagination: a wide variety of materials to use with the playdough, inspiring creativity and encouraging use of their imaginations. 4. Develops hand-eye co-ordination: by using a variety of materials and objects in playdough play can enhance hand-eye co-ordination. 5. Social skills 6.PromotesPlay: allows children to be children, to slow down and play, using a range of their senses and skills.
Read moreIf you want something cheap and useful for preschoolers, I'd suggest that you invest in a laminator and then Google for 'busy bags'. There are lots of printables available online for you to print and laminate. Rotate amongst these busy bags which are cheap and educational options for kids, and are extremely handy when travelling and in restaurants.
Read moreI would suggest maybe get something that helps in fine motor skills. For example tying or threading. Fine motor skills is very important for young children as it would help a lot in the future for their grip for pencils. A lot of children nowadays does not have the correct grip for pencil as they are not used to it or have poor fine motor skills.
Read moreYou can try out toys rental at ToysTribe before committing the purchase. But generally go for open-ended toys like building toys (Lego, Magnatiles etc), marble runs (kids love these!) or toys that allow play pretend (farm animals). These toys will grow with the kids without them being bored as the play evolves and becomes more complex.
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Lego duplo - it encourage new abilities by educating, entertaining and engaging little ones.
You can't go wrong with building blocks! Educational plus keeps them occupied for ages.
I swear by Lego Duplo and Play doh. It last forever. Totally worth the money.
Art and Craft keeps them occupied for a long time. Good hands on activity.
Lego Block! Endless creativity!