Milo or Milk

Is it okay po na milo iniinom instead of milk? Thank you.

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it is better to drink milk especially non fat or low fat milk. milo has more added sugar content, drinking this regularly might be a factor of gestational diabetes in latter trimester.

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Pde naman daw sabi ng OB qo,,pro ihalo daw sa maternity milk kung vanilla flavor..aqo ganun gwa qo..

Ako nag milo nalang ako nitong 8 months ako ayoko na kasi bumili anmum mahal e 😅

May caffiene din kasi yung milo once a day pwede pero much better kung milk talaga iinumin mo..

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Lowfat milk or bearbrand mas okay pa. Milo tamis niyan mamsh.

Mas mabuti po pag milk. Milo kasi may konting caffeine din yan.

Pwede po milo pero much better po milk hehe

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Mas prefer po yung milk

Super Mom

Magmilk na lang po kau