4 Replies

It is great that both of you are so involved in your child's development. Preschool attendance is not compulsory in Singapore. In preschool, aside from academic learning, children learn how to function socially with peers independent of their parents and have the experience of making and sustaining friendships. There are parents who decide to homeschool their children which is a reasonable option so long as all their developmental needs are met.

I think nursery school is more of an option rather than something compulsory. I know lots of families who do not send their kids to nursery and they turned out just great. In fact, I didn't go to a nursery either. If you're teaching the basics and they attend play groups, I reckon that's enough. Plus, kids will be learning more during kindergarten. Don't worry too much about your child missing out.

My opinion is that it is okay to skip nursery as long as he has the chance to build on his social skills and interaction. Other than play dates, NLB also offers many free programs that allows group interaction from time to time. With a conducive home environment that encourages free, unstructured play and inquisitive learning, the kid will have the right attitude towards school.

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